Game on against Loneliness

Loneliness is an increasing problem in our modern world. Even as technology connects us online, it often separates us from in-person connections. This year, over 3 million adults reported having no close friends, up from just over 2 million in 2018.

One great way to combat loneliness is by getting involved in a sport or recreational activity that encourages meeting new people. Team sports like football, volleyball, rugby, basketball, and more provide built-in opportunities for social interaction and forming bonds.

Even individual sports like tennis, golf, bowling, and rock climbing have local clubs and groups that facilitate making new acquaintances and friendships over shared interests.
Beyond the mental health benefits, exercise also boosts mood through endorphin release while decreasing stress and anxiety. Sports engagement promotes overall wellbeing.

Golf, a good walk ruined!

We encourage anyone feeling disconnected to look into into local sports clubs, classes, meetups, in your local community.
Don't underestimate the power of shared activity to lift your mood, outlook, and relationships. The physical and social benefits of sports are too great to overlook.

Get out there!

Game on against loneliness!